95% of Diet Fail

You are your own worst enemy.
You are killing yourself slowly by the choices you make daily.
That fact is most individuals think they are living a healthy life if they don’t smoke,only drink a “few,” eat every two hours, and hit the gym 3-4 times a week.
This is just not true. You are not living a Healthy Life.
If it was true then we wouldn’t have the number of deaths caused by lifestyle diseases.

7 of the top 10 causes of death are caused by Lifestyle.

Lifestyle diseases are defined as diseases linked with the way people live their life. These non-communicable diseases include Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Colitis, IBS, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis, PCOD, stroke, depression, obesity, and vascular dementia.
Main causes of these diseases are lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Our focus is going to be on diet.
Not a diet, your diet, what you eat.

For 95% of Us Diets Fail.

Activity 1
“Okay. How many diets have you tried?
Are you one of the ones that make that New Years Resolution to Lose Weight?
Do you try the latest product and trending diet?
So how did that work for you?

Write down all the diets you have tried and what were the results?

Did you drop weight to add it all back?
Did you add on more than you dropped?
How was your health during these diets?
How much do you want to drop now?
What do you weigh now?
What’s the heaviest you’ve ever been?
What’s the lightest you’ve ever been?
What’s the weight you want to be?
When were you last close to that weight?
Now I want you to describe how you eat.
Do you have normal days? Control, out of control?
Can you leave food? Can you throw it away?
Do you eat in motion? Eat at the table?
Do you use food to control your mood?”
What was going on in your home when you were growing up?
Could you eat whatever you wanted?
Did you have someone who controlled what you ate?
Were you made to finish disgusting food?
Were you rewarded with food?”
As you review over all the answers do you see any patterns?

What pictures do you see?
I’m going to show you today how to control your relationship with food, how to get a handle on it, and I’m going to start with this premise.
You only eat something if the picture is right.”
That is an absolute fact. You eat something if the picture is right.

Activity 2
So it’s a very important thing to remember, we eat something if the picture is right, which is why food companies use words and pictures to get you to eat their food.
We’re all brainwashed all of the time to eat food.
Make a list of some of the pictures and words used by food companies that have influenced your eating decisions.

Change the Picture
So, because we eat food if the picture is right, what do you think will happen if you make the picture wrong?
You don’t eat the food!
The intake of Sugar and Processed Food, aka” Frankenfoods” can disrupt the body’s natural fullness cues.
Who here has eaten a whole bag of chips or a bunch of candy, but is still “starving”?
When you eat these Frankenfoods two things happen.

First of all, it has no source of nutrition whatsoever.
So you eat it, and your body is, like, “Well, I seem to be having food. But where are the nutrients? So you want to eat more.”
Empty calories combined with no nutrition means your body will naturally make you hungry in the hopes that you put something nutritious in it so you can have the building blocks you need for your body to work properly.

Second thing is the chemicals in it are very, very addictive.
When you are addicted to something you are never satisfied. It doesn’t satisfy your hunger so you eat more and this trains your body to create and store more fat, and it’s like eating crack cocaine.
Another thing you should do is have a variety at each meal, but don’t have a huge varied meal.
Remember that, when you’re full and you taste something new, it will re-kickstart your appetite. A new taste, a new flavor, a new texture, will restart it all over again.

So we eat 50% more if you have a large variety.
Think about holidays or buffet foods.
Most of us overindulge because there are so many choices..

Another thing that will increase your appetite up by a whopping 75% is having food in your line of vision.
We are wired that way when we see food, we want to eat it.
That is how we survived before modern-day life as we know it.
I mean think about this in the past before refrigerators and freezers, before there were grocery stores, you had to go out and find your food.
You had to kill something or pick something if you wanted to eat.
You had to find something to eat. And when you found it you ate it and you ate as much as you possibly could because you did not know when you were going to find it again.
Guess what, we don’t live like that anymore. But we still eat like that.
Why? because our genetic code says to. So you have to rewrite the code. That is where hypnosis comes in.
We have grocery stores.
Most of us have refrigerators and freezers and a pantry.
You have a 75% chance of eating something if you see food.
You eat 50% more if you have too much variety.
So how can we see these numbers as a positive?
Well if you eat 75% more food if you see it then maybe have food in your house that is okay to eat like lots of leafy green vegetables, great protein sources like fresh-caught fish, you know have a variety of healthy nuts and seeds. Keep lots of healthy food in your house, in your car, at the office.
If you don’t “like” healthy foods then keep a variety of healthy foods around. Remember you eat 50% more if there is variety.
The way to change something from being unfamiliar to familiar is to just keep doing it.
You are responsible for what you put in your body.
Responsibility means an ability to respond.
When you are hungry or thirsty how you respond is completely up to you.
You have to be responsible for your weight because no one else can do it for you. So you change your relationship with food. You change how you think about food.
Your appetite is stimulated by the sight of food, the smell of food, by variety. So cook a variety of healthy foods.
To transform a habit of action, first, you have to transform the thought behind the action. You change the thought to change the habit.

Activity 3
List some diet habits that you want to change

Nope List

You need to welcome the Nope List.
The “Nope” list makes it easy to see which foods just need to stay out of your diet. You will make this list Familiar and your old way of eating unfamiliar.
You will do this when you change your attitude towards food.
When you change your attitude about your diet, it changes your whole life, and it isn’t just about weight.
It’s about thinking, “Well, I’m going to eat in a way that is healthy for me..and yes,there are some restrictions,” but I am taking responsibility for my actions.
People will say, “I ate a cookie, so I ate the whole packet.”
No one will go, “I’ve spent money I didn’t plan on spending , so I’m going to empty all my account now, or I haven’t had enough sleep, so I think I’ll stay up for seven more nights. Yet people go, “I ate a cookie, so therefore I should eat 20 more cookies”.
So it’s about getting back on track.
It is about making the best decision for the moment.
If you decide to eat a cookie then decide to enjoy that cookie.
Remember we’re not looking at food as good or bad.
We are looking at whether our body recognizes what we are eating as something that we need.
Now I want to tell you why 95% of diets don’t work.
Think about the verbiage that we use when we say we’re going on a diet.
We’re going to lose weight.

All Lose Is Bad.
I want you to think back on what happens when you lose something.
List things that you lose.
How does that make you feel? What do you naturally do?
We usually look for it with the hopes that we’ll find it.
I want you to think about it for a minute, if all loss is bad then why is losing weight okay? It’s not!
That’s why you find the weight you lost along with a couple extra pounds just in case you decide you want to lose some weight you got some storage.
Now I want you to think about what happens when you gain something.
You gain employment, when you gain a partner, when you gain success.
How does that feel? What do you naturally do?
Let’s look at some other words we use that make it impossible to succeed at making healthy choices.
We use words like starved, ravenous, famished, hungry.
There are very few people who’ve ever truly been any of those words.
The other words that are used commonly try, hope, wish, dream.
How many times have you said I dream of having a perfect body?
I wish that I could break my habit of eating snacks.
I will try and lose weight.
“My” means that it is yours, so if you say, “My weight problem, My habit, My slow metabolism,” your brain goes, “that is right that is mine and I am going to do all I can to maintain this ownership of this weight, habit, slow metabolism.”

Activity 4

Write a few sentences that you say to yourself.
Making yourself aware of when you use these words will help you see how you are creating a picture in your mind, that your body has to respond too.
So if you say you’re starved your body is going to react in a way that you consume lots of food. Because you told it you are starving. Even though you truly are not starving it is just a thought. You might have an empty stomach but you are not starving.

These 4 activities can help you see the pictures you are creating and point you in the direction of where to focus your attention. You are in control of your thoughts, your actions, and your life.
The healing power of your own mind is strengthening and perfecting your ability to change your weight, shape, size, and eating habits. As you absorb this information you are reinforcing your mind, replacing every negative belief with a new constructive one. You can be thin, you are making it happen right now.

Now I want to tell you why 95% of diets don’t work.
Think about the verbiage that we use when we say we’re going on a diet.
We’re going to lose weight.
All Lose Is Bad.
I want you to think back on what happens when you lose something.
List things that you lose.
How does that make you feel? What do you naturally do?
We usually look for it with the hopes that we’ll find it.
I want you to think about it for a minute, if all loss is bad then why is losing weight okay? It’s not!
That’s why you find the weight you lost along with a couple extra pounds just in case you decide you want to lose some weight you got some storage.

Now I want you to think about what happens when you gain something.
You gain employment, when you gain a partner, when you gain success.
How does that feel? What do you naturally do?

Let’s look at some other words we use that make it impossible to succeed at making healthy choices.
We use words like starved, ravenous, famished, hungry.
There are very few people who’ve ever truly been any of those words.
The other words that are used commonly are try, hope, wish, dream.
How many times have you said I dream of having a perfect body.
I wish that I could break my habit of eating snacks.
I will try and lose weight.
“My” means that it is yours, so if you say, “My weight problem, My habit, My slow metabolism,” your brain goes, “that is right that is mine and I am going to do all I can to maintain this ownership of this weight, habit, slow metabolism.”

Write a few sentences that you say to yourself.

Making yourself aware of when you use these words will help you see how you are creating a picture in your mind, that your body has to respond too.
So if you say you’re starved your body is going to react in a way that you consume lots of food.

Because you told it you are starving.

Even though you truly are not starving it is just a thought.

You might have an empty stomach but you are not starving.

What pictures do you see?

I’m going to show you today how to control your relationship with food, how to get a handle on it, and I’m going to start with this premise.
You only eat something if the picture is right.”
That is an absolute fact. You eat something if the picture is right.

So it’s a very important thing to remember,we eat something if the picture is right, which is why food companies use words and pictures to get you to eat their food.
We’re all brainwashed all of the time to eat food.
Make a list of some of the pictures and words used by food companies that have influenced your eating decisions.

Published by

Health Of It Transformation

"Health of It Transformation" is intended to educate and support individuals on their road to living their healthiest happiest sexiest life. Blessing others is my calling and now I do that as a Rapid Transformational Therapy Hypnotherapist, Published Author, and Creator of motivational and mediation videos. Hope to bless you today.