3 Ways to help you from Feeling Depressed

3 Easy Ways to Help You When You Feel Depressed 

1) Breathe

Simple Alternate nostril breathing


This type of breathing can balance the two sides of the brain and this will then calm the mind and help return vital energy.

How to do it.

Sit comfortably with your head and spine straight.

Close your eyes and relax your shoulders. 

You will be using one hand for this.

Your thumb and your ring finger will be the ones used to close the nostrils.

Close one nostril with the thumb

Breathe in a long slow deep breath (always from the belly) through the open nostril. 

Pause for a moment.

Now remove the thumb and cover the other nostril with the ring finger, and slowly exhale through the open nostril. 

Then inhale back into that same open nostril, 

Cover it with the thumb again, 

and exhale through the other side. 

And so on for several rounds.

Keep the length of breath even. 

Breathe in 4, hold 4 and 4 out. 

Feeling anxiety/nervousness, then inhale 4, hold 4, and exhale slowly for 8. 


Every time you exhale, your vagus nerve squirts some acetylcholine which acts as a tranquilizer-like substance to slow down beat-to-beat intervals and has been shown to improve heart rate variability and calm you down.

2) Eat Better

What you eat each day could be impacting your body’s ability to cope with depression.

A good reason to have a food journal.

Order one on Amazon.

Did you know that Protein consumption has been linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine?

These brain chemicals play a role in your mood, motivation, and concentration. 

Think of the Mediterranean diet when you want to decrease symptoms of depression.

What this looks like is an  increased intake of vegetables, a small amount of seasonal fruit mostly berries, omega-3-rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and anchovies, nuts, legumes, and olive oil

Let’s face it, the food you eat will directly impact your energy levels, which can play a role in how you feel throughout the day. 

Unhealthy foods aka Frank-n-foods, that are loaded with sugars and fats can make you feel tired, run-down, not motivated to do normal tasks/depressed.

3) Mindfulness

Meditation can feel like a lot of work but the benefits are worth it. Meditation means to know thyself.

Do you know yourself?

Most of us just let the world tell us what to do and how to feel.


Isn’t this Your Life?

So the simple way to know yourself is by asking 2 questions.

What do you want and how do you want to feel?

Those are the two questions that will get you what you want.

Asking yourself daily and writing down the answer will help you see just what it is that you want.

Write it down for at least 21 days

Is it the same answers or different ones?

For me what I want is to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. I want to feel calm, and peaceful.

So when I have a decision to make I ask myself, “Will this make me happy, healthy, or wealthy?

If the answer is “No” Then I choose to not do it.

If the answer is “yes” I ask myself will I feel calm and peaceful about this decision?

You can simply write these questions/answers on any paper or you can put them in one of several books I created for myself and my clients on Amazon.

Let’s look at the You Are Enough Journal!!

You always have been and you always will be.

Spend 2 minutes a day creating your future.

Use this journal to write down at least 3 affirmations daily to help remind you who you are.

Write it, Say it, and Believe it!

You are, what you think you are. You are Enough!

This journal is Perfect for everyone who wants to live a life they Love.

You are the creator of your reality.

Every thought you think and every word you speak create the reality you live in.

Ask yourself daily, What do I want? How Do I Want to Feel?

Journaling will help you see the thoughts that are creating your reality.

You get to choose your reality.

Take the first step and become aware of your thoughts.

Write them down.

Now take control of your thought and you will have the reality you want.

You are enough!

Everything you want is available to you.

The life you have always dreamed of is only a thought away.

If you are someone who has battled depression for several years and want to find the root cause schedule your consultation to find out if you would benefit from having your Transformation session.

Donel Rourke C.HYP.