Your Stinking Thinking

7 Types of Stinking Thinking

Stop your stinking thinking and start getting the results you want in life, in your relationships and your career. The words that you say and the pictures you create in your mind and the mind of those around you will determine whether you live a happy, peaceful, prosperous, fulfilling life.

1)Over- Generalising– saying things like You Always….. or You Never….. are bossy or judgmental. You sometimes…. or you often…. will be more accurate and less confrontational.

2)Over-Emotional Reasoning– Relies on your feelings to determine your actions and decisions. Ask yourself what is the thought that is leading you to this feeling and is it justified? Think about how you react when you are mad, upset, or hurt, do you make good decisions? Now think about how you react when you are calm, coming from a place of peace. Look at how are they different? Which one will give you the results you desire?

3)Making Demands– Words like “Must”, “Should”, “Ought to” are demanding. Instead, use words like “Wish”, “Prefer”, “Want” reflect your feelings and desires.

4)Catastrophes/Future Telling– Predicting the future in a dark and gloomy way. You can not predict the future you can only predict the way you will react to the future. If the “worst” did happen how can you react in a constructive way instead of a destructive way.

5)Mind Reader-  You assume what others think about you and they are purposely doing certain things. Instead, just ask the person if they are thinking about what you think they are thinking. Are they purposefully trying to hurt you?

6)Noticing and Remembering only the Negative– You pay little attention to the positive aspects of your situations. For every negative aspect, focus on 5 positive aspects.

7)Excessive Self Criticism- Putting yourself down and only seeing the bad qualities. Remember you are Perfectly Imperfect. STOP BULLYING YOURSELF. YOU ARE ENOUGH!