How To Do “The Seal” A Pilates Exercise

When you walk into my pilates class you are in for a treat.

Get Ready To Laugh and Have Fun.

I will have you bark like a seal and walk on your butt, all in the name of fitness.

In my class, you Bark like a Seal when you clap your feet together. At first, this seems stupid but once you get going you will be having so much fun you almost don’t want it to stop.

So continue reading and have fun practicing The Seal.

Donel Rourke

Benefits of Pilates

Total Body Workout

I know you love to spend 15 minutes stretching,

45 minutes on the elliptical,

30/45 minutes with weights,

10 minutes for core work

and another 15 minutes of stretching.

You want a total body workout in about 2 hours.

Yes you do have 2 hours to workout 3 times a week.

Wait you don’t have 6 hours to workout?

Then what are you going to skip?

Most individuals skip the stretching.

30 Minutes Gone!

That was easy.

What else can you do without?

Weights or cardio?

Which one will you choose?

Now add core and you just under 1 hour.

But wait I thought you said you wanted

TOTAL BODY workout.

Pilates Help Your Body From the Inside Out

So you want to take a class that will give you that strong healthy body, without the hours you would have to put in at the gym?

Pilates classes offer a total body workout.

Pilates main key function is to focus on aligning the spine and strengthening the core.

Pilates exercises intensely focus on muscle strength and core toning.

Want flat tummy?

The more often you practice, the faster the core muscles in the abdomen firm and flatten.

Pilates workouts are designed to improve balance and coordination by teaching a greater connection between the mind and body.

By doing that you get…..

Stress Reduction.


Pilates also teaches you to breathe properly,

which is a recognized stress reduction technique.

Part one is Inhaling through the nose ensures that the air is warm and properly filtered.

Through the process of deep breathing oxygen reaches the lowest parts of the lungs.

This is a part that is often unused due to improper breathing.

Part two involves exhaling through your mouth.

Breathing out through the mouth is referred to as forced expiration.

Exhaling through the mouth involves the use of abdominal contractions,

which plays an important part in building the body’s core strength

the main focus of Pilates.

The Pilates breathing techniques work towards relaxing the body by unraveling the tension and stress present in the body.

It results in a more effective flow of oxygen to all your vital organs.

This great for boosting  circulation, immunity and vitality.

In Pilates you should not think about work, bills, or any other problem.

.Pilates trains you to stay focused on your movements.

You focus your breath with the movement.

If you are not focus you will make the exercises harder to do, with less benefit.


Remember you are here to WORK SMARTER,


To find out about all the other benefits of Pilates check out these great articles.

12 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Pilates for Your Peace of Mind

Benefits of Pilates Exercises

10 Surprising Benefits of Pilates

Peace and Love

Donel Rourke



THB Mat Pilates

Spencer Mat Pilates

Pilates combines six concepts — centering, control, flow, breath, precision, and concentration — to strengthen the deep abdominal and back muscles for core strength and torso stability.

Mat Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise promising the regular participant a longer, leaner healthier body.

Exercises that focus on the mind-body connection help you get more centered and relieve stress.

They also help you strengthen your body without the joint stress of exercises like running and weights.

The exercises in mat Pilates focus on strengthening the muscles of the hips, back, abdominals, and gluteus or what is known in Pilates as the powerhouse.

The exercises look simple, but they require stabilization of the torso and focused effort to keep the abdominals contracted and working throughout each of the exercises.

Checkout these Mat Exercise

One of the most important parts of Pilates is BREATHING!

Pilates breathing involves inhaling deeply through the nose, filling up or expanding your ribcage into the back and sides.

Pilates exhale is through the mouth, which gives an abdominal connection important to stabilize the spine during the hardest part of a movement or the twist or bend.

Pilates breathing stimulates and energizes the body through systematic series of exercises that allow you to move fluidly and precisely from one move to another.

Pilates can really make a difference in your health without taking a toll on your body.

Want more info on my classes in Lago Vista, Texas contact me.

Peace and Love

Donel Rourke

“Tub-Talk”- What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

For your finances?

Mine is to be financially secure enough to be able to help all the charities and individual I want.

You see I started with wanting to make $5000 a month, but when I was asked to really think “why” I wanted to make $5000 I realized I wanted more.

I wanted to not just be able to take care of my family, but help all of those that God shows me I need to help.

I wanted to be able to travel anytime to anywhere with my family, without worrying how much it cost or if I had enough days off from work.

Do you want help reaching your financial goals? See for yourself, you can make your dreams come true.

Your Health?

For Me it is to be as healthy as I can be.

I have had three heart surgeries, a mental plate with four screws in my neck, broken bone on my foot and I fight CFIDS everyday.

 Did I let any of these things stop me from my “why” for being healthy?


Instead I found my way.

After my neck surgery I could no longer do the exercises I did before. I could not jump, jog, lift weight or any type of impact exercise. I found Pilates. I fell in love with it so much that I became a certified instructor but I missed teaching. You see Pilates is really for a select few so I created my own aerobics class THB (Totally Hott Body)Dance Fitness.

My other secret, because I can only workout 2 times a week because of the CFIDS, Access Bar. Will not workout without one EVER!!!

Your Soul-mate?

I made a list of what I wanted for my soul-mate. Another thing I did was I didn’t even worry about looking for my soul-mate. When you are desperate you try to turn someone into your soul-mate and then you both are miserable.



Be Specific in your answer.

Peace and Love

Donel Rourke


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