“Transform Your Life: A Journey to Radiant Well-being with Rapid Transformation Therapy”

Transform Your Life

Welcome to a life-changing opportunity! If you’ve ever felt stuck, struggled with limiting beliefs, or yearned for a profound transformation, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re inviting you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing through the incredible power of Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT).

The Power of Transformation: Unlocking Your True Potential

Imagine a life where you break free from the chains of self-doubt and rewrite the script of your existence. RTT, pioneered by the renowned therapist Marisa Peer, is not just therapy; it’s a powerful catalyst for change. It’s time to tap into the immense potential within you.

Understanding Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)

RTT is a unique therapeutic approach that combines the most effective principles from hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s like a tailored roadmap to your subconscious, allowing you to identify and eliminate the root causes of your challenges.

The Cosmic Connection: Aligning Mind and Spirit

Just as Uell S. Anderson explored the cosmic connection of thoughts in “Three Magic Words,” RTT delves into the profound relationship between your mind and spirit. This holistic approach creates a harmonious synergy, paving the way for lasting positive change.

Your Personal Symphony of Success

What if you could rewrite your life’s symphony, with empowering beliefs and self-love as the melody? RTT empowers you to create a personal symphony of success, allowing you to step into a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

Your Invitation to Transformation: Book Your RTT Free Consultation Today

Are you ready to leap into a life of abundance, confidence, and joy? Your transformation begins with a simple step – booking your RTT Free Consultation. Our experienced and compassionate RTT practitioner is here to guide you on this incredible journey.

Embrace Your Radiant Well-being

Don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Your radiant well-being is within reach, and RTT is the key to unlocking it. By setting up your RTT session, you’re investing in a brighter, more empowered future. Seize this opportunity, and let the transformation begin!

Schedule Your Appointment Now!

Ready to experience the life-changing magic of Rapid Transformation Therapy?

Schedule your appointment now, and let’s embark on a journey to transform your life. Your radiant well-being awaits – embrace it today!


A Journey of Transformation – True Identity Series Review

Congratulations on reaching the final blog post of our series on unlocking your true identity and embracing a life you love! Throughout this transformative journey, we explored various ideas and strategies to help you reconnect with your True Identity. Let’s take a moment to review the key insights from the last three blogs and celebrate the progress you’ve made.

Blog 1: Rediscover Your True Identity: Embrace a Life You Love

In the first blog, we identified the pain points, challenges, and values of women over 40 who feel like they’ve lost their identity. We acknowledged the lack of self-fulfillment, the identity crisis, self-confidence issues, emotional exhaustion, and the limited support network that many women in this situation face. By understanding these challenges, we set the foundation for creating a path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Blog 2: Unlock Your True Identity: Actionable Steps for Transformation

In the second blog, we delved into actionable steps and strategies that can help unlock your true identity. We explored the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) to uncover deep-rooted beliefs, the benefits of joining the Health of It Transformation Patreon community for support and resources, the transformative practice of journaling to connect with your inner wisdom, and the power of meditation to cultivate inner peace and clarity. These practices provided you with the tools to embark on your transformational journey.

Blog 3: Embrace Your True Identity: Next Steps for Transformation

In the third blog, we continued the journey by introducing additional prompts and strategies. We encouraged you to stop the “stinking thinking” by rewriting your inner narrative and installing your inner cheerleader. We also emphasized the importance of creating a morning routine that includes movement and breathwork to set a positive tone for your day. These practices empowered you to shift your mindset, cultivate self-encouragement, and nurture your well-being.

Celebrating Your Progress: Embracing Your Authentic Self

As you reflect on your journey through this series, celebrate the progress you’ve made. You’ve taken courageous steps towards reconnecting with your true identity and embracing a life you love. You’ve explored various practices, strategies, and prompts designed to empower you on your transformational path. Remember, this journey is not linear, and each step forward is an achievement worth acknowledging.

Embrace the Continuation of Your Journey

While this series comes to a close, your transformative journey continues. Embrace the insights, tools, and practices you’ve discovered throughout these blogs, and integrate them into your daily life. Continue exploring and nurturing your passions, setting meaningful goals, and cultivating self-care rituals that align with your authentic self. Trust in your ability to navigate this path of self-discovery and create a life that resonates with your true essence.

Stay Connected and Continue Your Growth

To support you further in your journey, stay connected with the Health of It Transformation Patreon community. Engage in discussions, seek guidance, and share your experiences with like-minded individuals who are committed to their personal growth and transformation. Remember, the journey is enriched by the connections we make along the way.

Congratulations once again on your commitment to unlocking your true identity and embracing a life you love! Y

our courage and dedication have set you on a path of profound personal growth and self-discovery.

Continue nurturing your authentic self, and may your journey be filled with joy, fulfillment, and infinite possibilities.

As we conclude this series, remember that your true identity is a journey of exploration and self-empowerment that extends far beyond these blog posts. Embrace the lessons learned, stay open to growth, and let your authentic self shine brightly in every aspect of your life.

Unlock Your True Identity: Actionable Steps for Transformation

Welcome back! In our previous blog post, we discussed the challenges you may be facing and how to reignite your true identity. Now, let’s dive deeper into actionable steps and strategies that can help you unlock your true potential and embrace a life you love. Read on to discover transformative practices such as Rapid Transformational Therapy, joining the Health of It Transformation Patreon, journaling, and meditation.

1. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT): Reveal Your Inner Power

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a powerful modality that can help you uncover and heal deep-rooted beliefs and traumas that may be holding you back. Consider working with an RTT practitioner who specializes in personal growth and identity exploration. Through guided hypnosis and regression techniques, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and release limiting beliefs. This process can open up new possibilities and empower you to step into your true identity.

2. Join Health of It Transformation Patreon: Access Valuable Resources

The Health of It Transformation Patreon community provides a wealth of resources and support to help you on your journey of self-discovery. By becoming a member, you gain access to exclusive content, including educational materials, guided meditations, self-reflection exercises, and transformative workshops. Engaging with a like-minded community can offer encouragement, inspiration, and guidance as you navigate your path toward uncovering your true identity.

3. Journaling: Connect with Your Inner Wisdom

Journaling is a powerful practice that allows you to connect with your thoughts, emotions, and desires. Set aside dedicated time each day to write freely without judgment. Explore your dreams, aspirations, and the activities that ignite your passion. Reflect on your journey of self-discovery and document the insights you gain along the way. Journaling acts as a mirror to your inner self, helping you better understand your true desires and motivations.

4. Meditation: Cultivate Inner Peace and Clarity

Meditation is a transformative practice that cultivates mindfulness, inner peace, and clarity. Set aside a few minutes each day to sit in stillness and focus on your breath. Allow thoughts to come and go without attachment. Through regular meditation, you can quiet the noise of external influences and connect with your inner voice. This practice can bring clarity to your desires, help you make aligned decisions, and deepen your connection with your authentic self.

5. Embrace Self-Exploration Activities: Discover Your Passions

Engage in self-exploration activities that allow you to discover your passions and interests. Experiment with various hobbies, such as painting, dancing, writing, or gardening. Attend workshops or classes that align with your curiosity and give you the opportunity to explore new realms. By stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences, you may uncover hidden talents and passions that contribute to your true identity.

Commit to Your Journey: Embrace the Transformation

Remember, unlocking your true identity is a process that requires commitment and self-compassion. Embrace each step of the journey, celebrating your progress along the way. Stay connected with supportive communities, seek guidance from professionals, and surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Trust that your transformation is unfolding at the perfect pace for you.

Congratulations on taking the first steps toward unlocking your true identity!

In our next blog post, we’ll explore additional practices such as visualization, self-care routines, and goal setting to help you further align with your authentic self. Stay tuned for more inspiration and guidance on this transformative journey.

Now, armed with actionable steps and strategies, you are well-equipped to embark on your journey of self-discovery and unlock your true identity. Remember to embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and celebrate every milestone along the way.

Rediscover Your True Identity: Embrace a Life You Love

A Series for Women Over 40 who Feel like They Have Lost Their True Identity

Are you a woman over 40 who feels like you’ve lost your identity?

Do you find yourself questioning who you are beyond being a caregiver and working a job you dislike?

It’s time to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reclaim your true identity.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pain points you may be experiencing and how you can find your passion, purpose, and love the life you live. 

Lack of self-fulfillment: Unleash Your Inner Desires

Deep down, you know there’s more to life than fulfilling the needs of others. It’s time to reconnect with your own desires and passions. Take a moment to reflect on what truly makes your heart sing. Is there a hobby, an interest, or a dream you’ve tucked away? Embrace these aspirations and allow them to guide you toward self-fulfillment. You deserve to pursue what brings you joy and satisfaction.

Identity Crisis: Embrace the Journey of Self-Discovery

Feeling uncertain about your own identity can be disorienting. But remember, life is a journey of self-discovery. Embrace this chapter as an opportunity to explore who you truly are. Start by taking small steps outside your comfort zone. Try new activities, engage in self-reflection, and surround yourself with positive influences. As you embark on this transformative journey, you’ll gradually uncover your authentic self and discover the path that resonates with you.

Self-confidence issues: Unlock Your Inner Strength

Losing sight of your identity can often result in a loss of self-confidence. But you are strong, resilient, and capable of achieving great things. Take a moment to acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments. Seek support from empowering communities, mentors, or life coaches who can guide you through this process. Remember, building self-confidence is a journey, and every step you take will bring you closer to reclaiming your true essence.

Emotional exhaustion: Prioritize Self-Care

Caring for others while neglecting your own needs can leave you emotionally drained. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care and recharge your emotional batteries. Create space for yourself by engaging in activities that bring you peace and rejuvenation. Practice self-compassion and set boundaries to ensure your emotional well-being. By nurturing yourself, you’ll have the energy and enthusiasm to explore your passions and rediscover your identity.

Limited support network: Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Feeling isolated on this journey is disheartening, but remember, you are not alone. Seek out communities, support groups, or online platforms where women like you gather to share their stories and experiences. Engage in conversations, participate in workshops, and build connections. Together, you can provide each other with invaluable support, empathy, and understanding. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will enhance your growth and make the journey more meaningful.

Unleash Your True Potential: Embrace a Life You Love

It’s time to break free from the constraints that have held you back. Explore opportunities for personal and professional growth that align with your authentic self. Seek out resources, workshops, or courses that can help you unleash your true potential. Embrace the notion that it’s never too late to live a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery?

Join us as we dive deeper into rediscovering your true identity and loving the life you live.

In our next blog post, we’ll share actionable steps and strategies to help you unlock your true potential. Stay tuned!

ack-ChatGPT and Donel Rourke

Ladies, Transform Your Life: Reclaim Your Divine Right to Live a Life You Love

Do you feel stuck in your life and yearn for rapid, profound, and long-lasting transformation?

Tired of feeling stuck in life?

Unleash your Inner Goddess and transform your life so you can live the life you love.

Join the Inner Goddess VIP Membership Page on Patreon “Health of It Transformation.”

This membership page is designed to help women over 40 tap into their True Sexual Natural through Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®). RTT® is a cutting-edge technique that uses the principles of neuroplasticity to create new neural pathways in the mind and replace old, unhelpful beliefs and behaviors with new, empowering ones. The result? A rapid, profound, and long-lasting transformation that can help you unlock your full potential and live the life you love.

I specialize in helping women tap into their True Sexual Natural and become the best version of themselves.

I believe that every woman has the power to be confident, sexy, and fulfilled.

It all starts with understanding your True Identity. Once you realize that you are enough, the rest falls into place.

One of the first things we’ll explore is your sexual energy to help you connect with the divine source to become the sexually empowered goddess you were meant to be.

This membership page isn’t just about transformation – it’s also about community.

When you join the Inner Goddess VIP Membership Page, you’ll become part of a supportive group of women.  They are on the same journey as you. You’ll have access to exclusive content, including live Q&A sessions, group coaching calls, and a private Facebook group where you can connect with other members and share your experiences.

So, are you ready to transform your life?

Are you ready to tap into your inner goddess and become the best version of yourself?

Join the Inner Goddess VIP Membership Page on Patreon “Health of It Transformation” today and start your journey to living the life you love.

“The Power of Functional Fitness for Those Over 50: Boosting Strength, Flexibility, and Quality of Life”

Functional fitness is a type of exercise that focuses on improving the body’s ability to perform everyday movements with ease and efficiency. Functional exercise is a type of physical activity that helps individuals perform everyday tasks more easily and efficiently. It is especially important for people over 50, as it can help improve balance, strength, and flexibility, which can reduce the risk of falls and other injuries

Overall, functional fitness is an excellent way for individuals over 50 to improve their physical and mental well-being. By focusing on exercises that mimic everyday movements and improve balance, mobility, and strength, functional fitness can help to improve quality of life and make everyday tasks easier.

“5 Surprising Benefits of Functional Fitness for Adults Over 50”

  1. Improved balance and coordination: As we age, our balance tends to decline, which can increase the risk of falls and injuries. Functional fitness exercises, such as tai chi and yoga, can help improve balance and coordination by training the body to move in a controlled and efficient manner.
  2. Increased muscle strength and bone density: As we age, our muscles naturally begin to lose mass and strength. This can lead to a decrease in bone density, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Functional fitness exercises, such as lifting weights and doing bodyweight exercises, can help increase muscle strength and bone density.
  3. Enhanced flexibility and mobility: As we age, our joints can become stiff and inflexible, which can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Functional fitness exercises, such as stretching and mobility work, can help improve flexibility and mobility, allowing for greater ease of movement and reduced risk of injury.
  4. Improved cardiovascular health: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for adults over 50. Engaging in functional fitness activities, such as walking, jogging, and cycling, can help improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and improving blood flow.
  5. Increased mental clarity and stress management: Exercise has been shown to improve mental clarity and reduce stress, and functional fitness activities are no exception. By challenging the body and mind in new ways, functional fitness can help improve brain function and reduce stress levels.

Top Ten Functional Fitness Exercises

As we age, it becomes even more important to incorporate regular exercise into our daily routines. Not only can it help to improve our physical health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but it can also improve our mental health and overall quality of life. However, as we get older, our bodies may not be able to handle the same level of intensity or impact as they could when we were younger. That’s why it’s important for people over 50 to focus on functional exercises that help to improve balance, flexibility, and mobility.

Here are the top 10 functional exercises for people over 50:

  1. Squats: Squats are a great exercise for improving lower body strength, balance, and mobility. To do a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit back into a chair. Make sure to keep your back straight and your knees behind your toes.
  2. Lunges: Lunges are another effective exercise for improving lower body strength and balance. To do a lunge, step forward with one leg and lower your body until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back straight and your front knee behind your toes.
  3. Planks: Planks are a great exercise for improving core strength and stability. To do a plank, get into a push-up position and hold your body in a straight line, with your hands directly under your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  4. Bridges: Bridges are a great exercise for improving core stability and lower body strength. To do a bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes and holding for a few seconds before lowering back down.
  5. Push-ups: Push-ups are a classic exercise for improving upper body strength. To do a push-up, get into a plank position and lower your body until your chest touches the ground. Push back up to the starting position.
  6. Rows: Rows are a great exercise for improving upper body strength and stability. To do a row, stand facing a stable object (such as a table or counter) and hold onto it with both hands. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your chest towards the object.
  7. Step-ups: Step-ups are a great exercise for improving lower body strength and balance. To do a step-up, stand in front of a stable object (such as a step or bench) and step up onto it with one foot, pressing down through the heel. Step back down and repeat on the other side.
  8. Bird Dogs: Bird dogs are a great exercise for improving core stability and balance. To do a bird dog, get on all fours and extend one arm and the opposite leg, holding for a few seconds before switching sides.
  9. Leg Lifts: Leg lifts are a great exercise for improving lower body strength and stability. To do a leg lift, lie on your back with your legs straight and lift one leg off the ground, holding for a few seconds before lowering back down.
  10. Arm Curls: Arm curls are a great exercise for improving upper body strength and stability. They can be done with or without weights, and there are many variations to choose from. To do an arm curl, stand with your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders and back down again.

Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get stronger.

Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine and be sure to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. With regular functional exercise, you can maintain your strength and mobility as you age and continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle.



Understanding Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease is a condition in which fat builds up in your liver. There are two main types:

Most of us already know that excessive amounts of alcohol can cause Alcoholic fatty liver disease also called alcoholic steatohepatitis but did you know that insulin resistance can also cause Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Want to know a Crazy fact?  NAFLD is the most common chronic liver disorder in the United States and it is considered a lifestyle disease. This means your lifestyle is the main cause of this disease.

Watch Dr. Berg explain Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Top Critical Tips for Reversing Fatty Liver

First, stop all the toxins that are going into your body. Get rid of toxic cleaning products, do not drink or smoke, stay away from drugs stop eating fruits and vegetables that are spayed with chemicals, organic is best.

Your liver is your detoxification organ and if it is not working correctly you can not get rid of the toxins and then you die.

I know this sounds harsh but it is the truth. My mother-in-law and my son-in-law both died because of liver failure!!!!

Both deaths were horrible. You do not want to die this way!

Wake up you could be next.

Next, you want to lower your insulin. Insulin makes fat which deposits in your liver.

So What Can I Eat?

Let us focus on what can help reverse NAFLD.

Good oils like extra virgin olive oil, and avocado oil.

Eat your veggies the best ones are Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts & Broccoli

Hemp Heart instead of oatmeal for breakfast.

Shirataki Noodle for your noodle needs.

High-Quality Eggs and Salmon are amazing for helping to reverse fatty liver.

Coffee is also good for your liver but without sugars, Pure Stevia is best.

NAFLD is not created from too much fat but from too many carbohydrates, sugar, and fructose.


Prime Video is the home of Thursday Night Football

Pros and Cons about Sex Tapes

Have You Made Sex Tapes?

Let’s look at the difference between Porn and Sex tapes.

So first off… Is a Sex tape Porn?

What everyone is calling a sex tape is just a camera set up and then the couple films themselves having sex.

Sometimes the couple is having fun playing around with a fetish or kink and they film their little fantasy.

There is usually only one angle with very little editing.

This is the real: with flaws, imperfections, and of course the bloopers.

The intention is for only the couple to enjoy.

To create a memory together. To have Fun. To connect.

Porn is going to be all up in it.

You know what I mean. Close-up of the action.

You will notice that porn will also have different angles and will be heavily edited to get the final product.

Understand porn is not realistic.

Do you really think people have sex the way you see it in porn?

I mean have you tried doing some of the poses?

I mean come on!!

What you see is an artificial construct of the porn industry.

You see porn is really just one-dimensional- visual.

Ok, maybe two with the sounds but still those are so fake I really don’t count it.

I Do Not Like Porn.

Or should I say I do not like the disconnect that porn brings into my life!

Yes if porn is on I could get turned on by it and even have amazing sex watching it but the disconnect with my husband is crazy.

When I have sex, make love, and connect with my husband I want to be fully present with him.

I want to appreciate his touch, his taste, his voice. I want to connect with the divine to have an out-of-body experience.

I can’t get that from porn.

I can get it from watching mine and my husband’s sex tapes.

Hearing my sounds, and my husband’s sounds, and watching our bodies move together is beautiful and sensually sexy.

Create Sex Tapes and Be Porn for Your Lover

I decided to be porn for my husband.  Meaning I create amazing pictures and videos and stories for my lover.

This experience is one that has changed our relationship.

We now connect on so many levels because of this amazing experience and it was the driving force behind my creating Pussy Praise and the Rock Hard Experience.

Helping Couples connect to themselves and then with each other as they create a strong loving relationship through understanding is what Sexy Secrets is all about.

Remember Porn is not a user’s guide. Unless you want to be a lousy lover.

Learn from porn and you will learn how not to Fuck a woman right.

You will learn so many different wrong ways to have sex that you will meet with lots of rejections.

Come on now think about it.

If porn made you a better lover the world would be filled with great lovers.

It is not!!!

Want to learn how to be an amazing lover?

Take a class/course from real people, not porn stars.

Here are the classes I have personally used and highly recommend for education.



Prime Video is the home of Thursday Night Football

FucK That Meditation

Have a Fucking Amazing Day

Fuck that meditation was inspired by a “Fuck it” meditation and I loved it and I polled my audience and they wanted me to make one.

So here it is.

Now I am one that really does not use curse words but I found this to be an amazing stress reducer.

Ten minutes and boom you could be rid of all the bullshit in your life.

Or at least for that moment.

Maybe that is all you need one good laugh to remind you that nothing stays the same so Fuck and let go of whatever issue or problem or thought is not serving you.

Laughter is one of the best forms of stress release.

Use this meditation any time you need to release a little bullshit from your life.

Studies have actually proven that swearing helps to manage pain.

The clinical term for this is the “hypoalgesic” effect of swearing.

Look it up.

Cursing is Considered a Creative Expression

And just because you swear it does not make you stupid. Cursing is considered a creative expression as you can use one word to express many meanings.

Think about it how many meanings is the word FucK?

Did you know that there are other health benefits of swearing? I didn’t know this.

They have found that it can increase blood circulation, elevate endorphins, and an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being.

The key is not to allow anger to take over. You can tell the difference by your heart rate.

The goal is to release frustration and the stress of the day.

Listen to this meditation and say “f**k that” and let the sh*t go during this meditation.

Allow the words to help you to allow yourself to say “f**k that,” to release the tension, and any attachments, and go with the flow.

Make sure to subscribe to the Youtube Channel and Leave a comment.

You can find a Healing Hypnosis here.



Have You Own “AHA” Moment

Steve Harper from Podcast Business News Interviews Donel Rourke

Transform your mind.

Transform your life.

Order your own copy of Mel Robbins amazing book High 5 Habit.

Find out more about Marisa Peer and RTT

To find out more about the books I have on Amazon

Want to get half off an RTT Session with me?

What are the two questions I tell you to ask yourself every day?

Write your answers in the comment section.

Next, Watch this video and tell me which one you like best. Why?

Which one do you like best? 

Donel Rourke, RTTP CCHyp



3 Top Tips for Loving the Life You Live Podcast with Steve Harper on Podcast Business News

Listen Now

Listen and tell me what I learned from Mel Robbins.

Also, what are the two questions you should ask yourself to live a life you love?

How many breathes do I tell you to take to reset to break the emotional loop?

Thank you for listening.

Donel Rourke, CCHyp RTTP



Book Review of “Tell Yourself a Better Lie” by Marisa Peer

Tell Yourself a Better Lie: Use the Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy to Edit Your Story and Rewrite Your Life.

Here is the Amazon Description

Do you ever wish you could rewrite your life?

Our lives are defined by the stories we tell ourselves, but those stories aren’t always true. Narratives that are based on outdated or irrelevant information can run (or ruin) our lives for years, even if those stories are wildly different from the objective reality that formed them.

In her sixth book, Tell Yourself a Better Lie, best-selling author Marisa Peer shares for the first time how Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) creates stunning in-the-room turnarounds for issues as varied as suicidal depression, eating disorders, weight loss, and life-limiting phobias and addictions.

Through ten diverse case studies, Marisa explains how our unmet needs as children can morph into fixed stories we tell ourselves in adulthood—and, more importantly, how we all have the power to change them. If you’ve been longing for a happier, more fulfilled life, pick up Tell Yourself a Better Lie and take control of your own story today.

Now, as you might know, I am a big fan of Marisa Peer, I did train under her to be an RTT® Practitioner, so when her new book came out I immediately bought it because I knew I would get a golden nugget that would improve my life.

As I read through each of the stories I learn more about how I will help the clients that work with me.

This book will give the reader so real techniques that can be put into practice immediately.

Here are a few of the techniques in the book.

  • Role, Function, Purpose, Intention
  • Up Grading the Child
  • Installing The Cheerleader

Order your book now and I would love for you to leave a comment after you read it. Click the picture below to get your copy.


Donel Rourke C.C.Hyp. RTTP

Vitamin K2 and How It Helps Your Body

K2 Helps with the mobilization of calcium in the body to the bones.

Why is this important?

Because when you have excess calcium in your arteries, joints, or other places can lead to serious problems. Vitamin K2, with the help of vitamin D3, could help extract this buildup of calcium and put it right into the bones to actually strengthen the bones.

Here are some of the many benefits of vitamin K2:

  1. Improves insulin resistance
  2. Increases insulin sensitivity
  3. Suppresses inflammation
  4. Decreases fat accumulation
  5. Increases energy capacity (more energy before physical activity)
  6. Increases testosterone
  7. Help to Prevent Calcification
  8. Helps Prevent Bone loss

The best food sources of vitamin K2 are:

  • Cheese (gouda, munster, cream cheese
  • Butter
  • sour cream
  • heavy cream
  • Egg yolk
  • liver (goose, chicken, beef)
  • Pepperoni
  • Salami
  • Sausage
  • Greens / Leafy Vegetables
  • Fermented Foods like Natto or Sauerkraut

The reason why these are mostly animal products is that animals eat grass, which contains Vitamin K1 (which has to do with clotting), and then their body converts it into vitamin K2. The vitamin K2 that is found in natto and sauerkraut are formed by bacteria in the fermentation process.

Who Would Benefit from Vitamin K2?

  • If you have a history of taking Antacids
  • Antibiotics
  • Statins
  • Take D3 and/or Calcium
  • Do You have GI Problems
  • Menopause
  • Heart Problems
  • or are you Pregnant

Make sure to take K2 with fat. What I mean is if you want this supplement to work at its optimal level you need to have some sort of fat included.

Consuming with Eggs, Avacodo, or MCT oil is fantastic.

An empty stomach is not good.

A full meal that includes fiber is not as good.

The key is you want to Either eat food high in K2 or take supplement K2 with a good source of fat.

K2 works well with D3

Hope this helps you understand a little better how your body uses Vitamin K.

Donel Rourke, C.C.H.