After studying for two years and passing all of my college courses, I had one last pass or fail, hands-on, test to conquer in order to receive my Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Donel Rourke created a personalized hypnosis for me and I listened to it every day for 30 days prior to my test date. Donel’s voice spoke positive beliefs over me directly into my subconscious mind and it gave me great peace and solace during the days leading up to my test. During my test, which was possibly the most nerve-racking two days of my life, I could hear her words in my mind. At one point, I had to set up an Intravenous line and set the drip rate perfectly. I have done this procedure a hundred times in real life, but under the stress of the testing situation my hands were shaking and I didn’t know if I would be able to successfully complete the station. At that time, I began to calmly say out loud the very words that I had listened to so many times before during my hypnosis recording… “Narrow Down.” I said those words over and over again and my hands stopped shaking, my stomach loosened its grip and I began to set up that IV Line in a calm professional manner. The drip rate was perfect and I passed the test! Throughout the two-day test, I had great self-confidence and I stood up for myself like never before. Now I am a Registered Nurse and am currently sitting at my desk and seeing patients via telemedicine and earning a great living while helping my fellow man. I am grateful for the confidence and self-reliance that Donel instilled in my mind through the act of listening to her hypnotic voice speak truths over me in preparation for that pivotal moment in my life.

Pastor Andrew Rourke, BA-CM, NREMT-P
Founder of Body of Christ Ministries, Est. 2000

By Health Of It Transformation

"Health of It Transformation" is intended to educate and support individuals on their road to living their healthiest happiest sexiest life. Blessing others is my calling and now I do that as a Rapid Transformational Therapy Hypnotherapist, Published Author, and Creator of motivational and mediation videos. Hope to bless you today.